Review: Introduction to the History of Concepts: Annual Workshop for Graduate Students, Helsingin Yliopisto, August 2017


  • Sébastien Tremblay Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin



Conference Review:
Introduction to the History of Concepts: Annual Workshop for Graduate Students
Helsingin Yliopisto, August 2017

Author Biography

Sébastien Tremblay, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Sébastien Tremblay holds a M.A. in Global History from the Freie Universität and Humboldt-Universität in Berlin and a B.A. in History and German Studies from the Université de Montréal in Canada. His master thesis explored the impact of US military occupation on ideas of masculinities and the persecution of homosexualites in the early German Federal Republic. His present dissertation project looks at the gay and lesbian transnational and transatlantic cultural communication networks from the 1970s to the 1990s and focuses on the ‘Pink Triangle’ as a marker of identity in LGBTQI+ activist circles.


